
When you’re missing most or all your natural teeth, you need a solution that looks natural and functions effectively. At Pathway Dental Group, we provide dentures right here in Santa Barbara County, California.

Dentures in
Santa Barbara County, CA

Dentures are prosthetic teeth that secure to a gum-colored base. They can fit in your mouth with or without dental implants. We typically recommend dentures for people missing all or most of their natural teeth, either because of an injury or declining oral health.

Dentures keep you smiling and chewing and are a fast, effective way to overcome tooth loss. With dentures, you’ll often have four appointments:

  • 1st appointment — Records appointments consisting of scans, impressions and photos for our laboratory to begin fabrication of your custom dentures
  • 2nd appointment — Final impression appointment and bite alignment
  • 3rd appointment — Wax teeth try in/final approval
  • 4th appointment — Final delivery and adjustment

Schedule a visit with us to talk through your options and find the best solution for you.

  • What are the different types of dentures?

    There are many types of dentures. We can suggest the best option based on your needs, budget and preference.

    • Traditional dentures — A non-surgical denture option. You can remove traditional dentures easily and clean them daily. The dentures grip around your dental arch and bone and rely on suction to stay secure.
    • Partial dentures — A removable piece that fills in several missing teeth. You can remove it to clean and sleep.
    • Implant-supported dentures — Dentures that snap onto dental implants. These dentures are much more secure than traditional dentures and are still easy to remove for cleaning. They also can prevent future bone loss.
    • Fixed dentures — Dentures that are permanently secured with dental implants. Once installed, you can’t remove them without oral surgery. These dentures can last a lifetime with proper care, and they feel like natural teeth.
  • How much do implant-supported dentures cost?

    Our goal is to make dental care as affordable as possible. If you have insurance, talk to them to see how much they cover for implant-supported dentures. They can help you estimate your out-of-pocket costs. We also have financing options available to make payments easier.

  • How do I clean dentures?

    Traditional dentures require regular cleaning to remove stains. Here are some denture cleaning tips:

    • Avoid using abrasive cleaning materials, whitening toothpaste, bleach-containing products, and hot or boiling water on your dentures to prevent warping and damage.
    • Be cautious when handling dentures to avoid bending or damaging the plastic or clasps while cleaning.
    • Brush your dentures daily and soak them in a gentle, non-abrasive denture cleaner to remove food, plaque, and other buildups.
      Keep dentures moist overnight by soaking them in a mild denture-soaking solution to maintain their shape.
    • Remove and rinse your dentures under running water after meals to eliminate food particles and debris.
    • Schedule regular dental checkups to ensure your dentures fit well, prevent slippage and discomfort, and monitor the health of your mouth.
    • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your mouth after taking out your dentures.
  • What is the best denture adhesive or denture glue?

    According to the Oral Health Foundation, you should follow these guidelines when it comes to using denture adhesives:

    • Patient satisfaction has become an important factor in the overall success of prosthodontic treatment in full-denture wearers.
    • Denture adhesives can improve denture fit and reduce accumulation of food beneath the denture.
    • Denture adhesives can enhance comfort; provide satisfaction; increase confidence, retention and stability; and improve function.
    • The effectiveness of denture adhesives cannot compensate for significant denture deficiencies.
    • Dental professionals should guide patients on the correct application and use of the adhesive, and on removing and cleaning the denture.
    • The optimum time to advise on the use of an adhesive varies by patient. For well-fitting dentures, it may be best at the review appointment or time of the fitter or soon after.
  • How do I extend the life of my dentures?

    You should plan to care for your dentures, like your teeth, to maintain them. We expect to reline your dentures annually. Like tires on a car, the teeth and dentures will wear over time and require replacement. We recommend exams each year with one of our doctors to complete an oral cancer screening and evaluate the fit of your dentures.

More Questions About Dentures?

If you have any questions about dentures or would like to set up a consultation—contact us today.