Sedation Dentistry
If you’re suffering from dental anxiety, you’re not alone. IV conscious sedation can completely change your experience at the dentist.
Your IV Sedation Dentist in Santa Barbara County, CA
At Pathway Dental Group, we understand dental anxiety. We offer IV dental sedation—a safe, convenient, and effective option. By default, we use IV sedation for wisdom teeth removals and deep cleanings, but you can also get IV sedation for any procedure; just ask!
We’re proud to be one of the only practices with dentists licensed to perform dental IV sedation in the Santa Barbara area. You can get dental IV sedation at any of our three practice locations: Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, and Lompoc.
What is IV Sedation?
IV sedation is a safe and effective way to get the care you need while feeling more comfortable and at ease. The medication can be customized to suit each patient’s requirements and induces a deep sleep, causing you not to remember the treatment. You also get a local anesthetic to prevent you from feeling any pain in your mouth.
What are the benefits of IV sedation?
The benefits of IV sedation at the dentist include:
- Can reduce anxiety and stress
- More efficient treatments because we can complete multiple treatments at once
- Less discomfort after a procedure
- Less hassle than general anesthesia
- A better dental experience overall
How does IV sedation work?
With IV sedation, you receive an IV of medication through a vein. The medication helps you feel more comfortable. You’ll be relaxed and generally less aware of the procedures we perform. You won’t be bothered by surrounding sounds or smells. And after, you won’t remember much, if anything, about the procedure. Many patients describe the IV sedation experience as “dozing in the chair.”
Sedation acts quickly and effectively. Before you get sedation, we’ll complete a consultation and full evaluation to ensure it’s safe for you. You can ask us any questions.
During the procedure, we can raise or lower the level of sedation as needed. After sedation, recovery happens more quickly than with general anesthesia. You can expect to take only one day off work for a dental procedure using IV sedation.
Is IV sedation dentistry safe?
Yes, IV sedation dentistry is safe when you work with trained professionals. Your dentist will look at your medical history to make sure you are a good candidate for IV sedation before you receive it.
Who can benefit from sedation dentistry?
Sedation dentistry, in general, can help patients who have dental anxiety or fear of the dentist, a low pain threshold, a strong gag reflex, a lot of complex dental work or issues sitting still for long periods. Sedation can also help children who can’t cooperate during dental procedures.
How long do the effects of sedation last?
How long the effects of sedation last depends on the type of sedation and how much you receive. Your metabolism and tolerance also impact its effects. In general, minimal to moderate sedation wears off within a few hours after the procedure. Deep sedation or general anesthesia may take longer or require monitoring until you’re fully awake.
What are other types of sedation?
Other common types of sedation besides IV sedation are local anesthesia and oral sedation. Local anesthesia is numbing medicine that we inject directly into the area we’re treating. Oral sedation is a pill you take about one hour before your procedure to help you relax.
More Questions?
If you have more questions about dental sedation and the procedures used by Pathway Dental Group, please contact our office and we will be happy to discuss further.